Don’t Start a Side Hustle Until You Understand This

Your side hustle is worthless, unless you get this right.

Charly Hanx
3 min readMar 30, 2022

A side hustle is a lot of work. You think it’s worth it.

You think, a side-hustle will allow you to escape the rat race and life life on your turns. In the beginning, it’s a lot of work, but it will all pay off in the end. Right? RIGHT?

Maybe not.

Photo by Chandri Anggara on Unsplash

Nothing in the world has a success-guarantee, even if people, who want to sell you something, will tell you otherwise. It’s a lie.

Your side-hustle will propably fail. Or you do, what I did: You start a side-hustle, then you loose interest and think you have a way better idea, so you start another one, and another one and another one and nothing changes.

Every time you start something new, you promise yourself, that this time you will stick with it. You swear to god. This is your one damn chance for a good life. But then life happens. Life always happens. And it doesn’t give a shit about your five-year plan.

Also read: Stop Setting Goals + Do This Instead

On the other hand, side-hustles ARE a great chance to change something about your life. It CAN give you the freedom you desire. It CAN allow you to travel the world or buy a home for your family. Millions of people worldwide have proofed this already.

My point is: Yes, you can — and should — start a side-hustle, if you want to. But you have to understand, that this is a risky decision. You might fail. Or you might give up. Or your life might change and you won’t have time for your side-hustle anymore.

You can loose your money, and — more importantly — you can loose lots of time. You might think that wasting 100 hours on a side-project that doesn’t get you anywhere, isn’t that bad. But these numbers add up and you will regret not spending these hours happy, doing something you love.

A happy life consits of happy seconds, minutes and hours. Don’t waste them.

But there’s a solution to this problem. Ready?

Okay, I’ll tell you:

Make your side hustle something that you LOVE to do. Do something that is FUN for you. Then share it. Write about it. Share what you learn. Help others do the same. If nobody reads it or cares about it, you still had a lot of fun doing what you love, got better at it, and maybe made a friend or two with the same passion. You wasted no second of your precious life.

Also read: Your hobby isn’t a waste of time. — The thing you call “work” is.

What are the things, you REALLY enjoy doing?

What allows you to reach flow state?

Whatever it is, do it everyday, even if just for 5 or 10 minutes.

Whenever you can, but at least once a week, share something about it online. Share what you learned, share what you created, share your questions and ideas. Write an article, post a picture, shoot a video. Even a social media post counts.

Do this for a 6 months. See what happens. Have fun.

Your friend,


